Steering committees of North West, Central Highlands, and South West review 2014 tasks

(VOVworld) – Delegates of the steering committees of North West, Central Highlands, and South West met in Yen Bai province on Saturday to review the implementation of their 2014 tasks and discuss orientations for next year. Participants shared experiences in the fight against illegal religious and hostile activities under the cover of religions.

Steering committees of North West, Central Highlands, and South West review 2014 tasks - ảnh 1
Photo: Viet Ton/

They also discussed measures to build a strong political system from grassroots to central level, ensure religious security, and national great unity. Truong Xuan Cu, deputy head of the North West Steering Committee, said that since mid September, activities have been accelerated to monitor the implementation of Resolutions, Directives, Conclusions, and Decisions of the Politburo, Party Secretariat, and Prime Minister regarding socioeconomic development, national security defense, and religious and ethnic affairs.  

