Sweden ups terrorism preparedness following Koran protests

(VOVWORLD) - Sweden's government on Thursday ordered 15 government agencies to strengthen the country's ability to prevent terrorism, in response to a worsened security situation following protests involving desecration of the Koran.
Speaking at a press conference, Justice Minister Gunnar Strommer said the work would seek to strengthen Sweden's "ability to prevent, deter and impede terrorism and violent extremism."

According to the Swedish Security Service, the country has gone from being what is called a legitimate target for terror attacks to being a priority target. In an interview with Sweden's TT news agency, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said he is “extremely worried” about the consequences if more demonstrations go ahead in which the Koran is desecrated.

The Swedish government has repeatedly criticized the burning of the Koran by protesters in Stockholm, calling it an "anti-Islamic" act. The Swedish Foreign Ministry in early July this year strongly condemned these acts, which it said in no way reflect the position of the Swedish Government.   

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