Taliban negotiators in Doha for talks with Afghan government

(VOVWORLD) - The Taliban's negotiating team arrived in Qatar on Saturday in a sign that peace talks with the Afghan government are closer to starting.

Taliban negotiators in Doha for talks with Afghan government  - ảnh 1 The delegation's arrival early on September 5, 2020 is announced by the Taliban officials (Photo: Al Jazeera)

A date for the talks, to be hosted in Doha, has not been set but the warring sides have this week made signals that negotiations could launch soon, including efforts to wrap up a prisoner exchange.

The Afghan government's negotiating team remained in Kabul on Saturday, but a logistics team landed in Doha earlier this week.

Faraidoon Khawzoon, a spokesman for the Afghan government's reconciliation council, said its negotiating team was ready for talks.

