Thailand’s election to go on as scheduled

Thailand’s election to go on as scheduled  - ảnh 1
Thailand’s election to go on as scheduled despite protest- Photo: AFP

(VOVworld)- Thailand’s government has announced that the country’s election will go on as scheduled on February 2. Thailand’s interim Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawat said the decision was achieved after a meeting between Yingluck and the President of the Election Council Somchai Srisutthiyakorn. Yingluck and Somchai had earlier held a meeting to discuss the possibility of the election to be postponed. Meanwhile, speaking to reporters after the weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said that the interim government wanted the election to be held later this week despite the opposition’s threat to prevent it. He said the delay of the election will make the political deadlock in Thailand worse.

