The late Party leader commemorated

(VOVWorld) - A meeting has been held in the school for Young Pioneer cadres in commemoration of the 105th death anniversary of the late Party General Secretary Le Duan. The school was established in 1983 and named after the late party leader on the occasion he received the award “For peace between nations”. Over the years, many generations of young pioneer cadres have been trained in this school.

Also on Saturday, local authorities and representatives of mass organization in Le Duan’s home province of Quang Tri laid wreath and burned incense to pay tribute to the late party leader.

The late Party leader commemorated - ảnh 1
Photo: Internet

Earlier on Friday, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visited Le Duan’s house and met with his family members.

On this occasion, two seminars entitled “Le Duan and Vietnam’s culture and people” and “Le Duan and the revolution in southern Vietnam” were held in Hanoi.

