Thousands of Germans protest PEGIDA march

(VOVworld)- A march called “Europeans Against Islamization of the Occident” or PEGIDA was recently organized in Germany. It has been denounced by several social organizations. German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned supporters of PEGIDA to be careful that they aren't being used by the event’s organizers. She said the government will work closely with local authorities to protect Germany’s large population of immigrants. Minister of Home Affairs Thomas de Maiziere said PEGIDA’s supporters are ultra- rightwing. In his Christmas greeting, German President Joachim Gauck called for compassion for in Germany’s immigrants.
Thousands of Germans protest PEGIDA march  - ảnh 1

On December 23, someone launched an online petition page at to protest the march. Over the past three days, it has collected signatures from more than 29,000 people. The website hopes to get 1 million signatures. According to the German Department of Immigration and Refugees, there are about 4 million Muslims in Germany- 5% of the population. So far this year, more than 181,000 people have applied for refuge status, Syrians comprising the largest percentage. 

