US Defense Secretary: Islamic State poses a threat to the US

(VOVworld) – The Pentagon has said that the Islamic State (IS) presents a great threat to the US. Pentagon officials made the warning after IS gunmen beheaded journalist James Foley and threatened that it will continue to revenge to cut off US stranglehold.

US Defense Secretary: Islamic State poses a threat to the US - ảnh 1
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (Left) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey (Right) conduct a briefing on Iraq in the Pentagon Briefing Room on Aug. 21, 2014. (Photo: Oliver Douliery)

The American Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, said Friday that the Islamic State is now more dangerous than Al Qaeda ever was, who carried out the September 11th attack in 2001 against the US. Hagel said the IS is an imminent threat to every interest the US has, whether it's in Iraq or anywhere else. He added that US air strikes have intercepted the growth of IS rebels, helping Kurd forces in Northern Iraq get advantages. He warned that the US has to prepare for a long war against the Islamic State.  

