US denies prisoner swap agreement with Iran

(VOVWORLD) - The White House on Sunday denied a report by Iran that they have reached a prisoner swap deal in exchange for the release of 7-billion-USD frozen Iranian oil funds under US sanctions. 
US denies prisoner swap agreement with Iran  - ảnh 1White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain (left) and US President Joe Biden (right) at a meeting in Washington DC, USA (Photo: AFP / VNA)

Iranian state television said Tehran will free 4 Americans accused of spying in exchange for 4 Iranians held in the US and the release of the frozen Iranian funds. Ron Klain, White House chief of staff, told CBS that report is untrue, adding that more efforts will be made to bring home the 4 Americans.

The last prisoner swap between the 2 countries happened in late 2019 when Iran released an American student, who was jailed 3 years for accusation of spying, in return for the freedom of an Iranian researcher who was accused of violating US’s sanctions.

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