US President to talk online with Indian Prime Minister

(VOVWORLD) -US President Joe Biden is scheduled to have an online talk with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday at a time when the US has made clear that it does not want India to increase its energy imports from Russia.

US President to talk online with Indian Prime Minister  - ảnh 1US President Joe Biden (left) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Photo: NEWS18.COM

In a statement released on Sunday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that Mr. Biden and Mr. Modi will discuss cooperation on a range of issues including ending the COVID-19 pandemic, fighting climate crisis, strengthening the global economy, and upholding a free, open, and rules-based international order that underpins security, democracy, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.

Mr. Biden's virtual meeting will be followed by the US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in Washington, D.C. on Monday between the two countries’ foreign and defense ministers.

