US-Russia relations in 2013

(VOVworld) – Russian Itar-Tass news agency on Tuesday had an exclusive interview on US-Russia relations in 2013 with US Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communication Ben Rhodes.

US-Russia relations in 2013 - ảnh 1

The US official said that in 2013 the US and Russia reached a number of important cooperative agreements. These included the agreement between the P5+1 group and Iran and the agreement on the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons. Rhodes said that the two countries will continue to cooperate on issues relating to Afghanistan and the war against terror. The US will also work with Russia in securing the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi.

However, he said Moscow and Washington have failed to reach an expected political solution to the chemical weapon issue in Syria despite the efforts within the framework of the Geneva 2 conference. Rhodes added that the two countries have not made progress as expected on such issues as arms control and missile defense. He also said he expects a more positive new year in bilateral relations. 

