Vice President attends opening ceremony of 18th NAM Summit

(VOVWORLD) - Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh joined leaders and representatives from 120 member states of the Non-Aligned Movement  (NAM), observer countries and international organisations at the opening of the 18th NAM Summit in Baku, Azerbaijan, on Friday. 
Vice President attends opening ceremony of 18th NAM Summit - ảnh 1Vietnamese Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh 

In her address, Vice President Thinh called for strengthening solidarity between NAM countries on the basis of Bangdung principles to make NAM a vanguard in upholding the rule of law, democratizing international relations, and defending legitimates rights of NAM countries. She affirmed Vietnam’s contribution to building the ASEAN Community and striving for peace, stability, and development. Ms Thinh urged NAM countries to support efforts to promote peace, security and stability in Southeast Asia and respect the stance of involved countries. The Vietnamese Vice President reiterated that Vietnam is persistent with the principles and goals of the Non-Aligned Movement, ready to cooperate with NAM member countries to promptly deal with challenges, and uphold the voice of NAM countries.

Earlier on Thursday, the Vietnamese Vice President chaired a ceremony marking 60 years since President Ho Chi Minh visited Azerbaijan (July 23, 1959-2019). Vice President Thinh said following the historic visit, Baku has become a model for Vietnam to develop its oil and gas industry. She thanked Azerbaijan for sending experts and engineers to Vietnam to help it build this key industry.     

