Vietnam cooperates with international community to promote trade, development

(VOVWORLD) - Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son attended the 15th session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 15), which concluded on  Thursday in Geneva, Switzerland and Bridgetown, Barbados.

Vietnam cooperates with international community to promote trade, development  - ảnh 1Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son speaks online at the 15th United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on October 7, 2021. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Addressing the plenary session on Wednesday, Minister Son gave three recommendations. Firstly, it is necessary to promote multilateralism and international cooperation to bring the pandemic under control, improve the adaptability, accelerate the economic recovery process around the globe.

Secondly, future development needs to guarantee the sustainability and inclusiveness in terms of economy, environment, and society, he said, asking for stronger international efforts to help improve the adaptability of the regions highly vulnerable to climate change, including the Sub-Mekong region and the Mekong Delta of Vietnam.

Thirdly, UNCTAD should bring into play its role in boosting global cooperation in innovation and digitization so as to create new driving forces for sustainable development and technology-based growth, according to Son.

The official affirmed that Vietnam is exerting every effort to control and safely adapt to the pandemic and promote economic recovery. The country wishes to continue receiving close cooperation from UNCTAD and the international community during the realization of its development goals. It will also keep joining hands with the international community to ensure a global environment of peace, stability, development, and prosperity, he added.

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