Vietnam, Czech Republic foster multifaceted cooperation

(VOVworld) – Vietnam and the Czech Republic agreed to bolster traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation during talks between Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek in Hanoi on Friday.


Vietnam, Czech Republic foster multifaceted cooperation - ảnh 1

The two sides discussed measures to increase bilateral cooperation in a number of areas including politics, diplomacy, economics, trade, culture, education, training, development cooperation, national defense, and security. Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh said: “Both countries need cooperation, particularly in trade to boost economic development. Two-way has increased significantly, growing 66% in the first 7 months of this year. This is a positive sign for bilateral trade ties.”

The two sides agreed to increase high-level visit exchanges and coordination at regional and global forums, particularly the UN and the Asia-Europe Meeting.

The Czech Foreign Minister pledged to support the early signing of the EU-Vietnam FTA and the EU’s recognition of Vietnam’s market economy status. He said that the Czech Republic will create favorable conditions for Vietnamese goods to enter its market. Vietnam supports Czech businesses to invest in Vietnam.

