Vietnam joins World Library Congress in Singapore

Vietnam joins World Library Congress in Singapore  - ảnh 1
The congress has drawn more than 3,500 delegates from 120 countries and territories worldwide, including 14 Vietnamese representatives from the National Library and libraries of provinces, cities, sectors and universities nationwide. Photo:VOV

(VOV)- A Vietnamese delegation is in Singapore attending the 79th World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) themed “Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities” from August 17- 23. The congress has drawn more than 3,500 delegates from 120 countries and territories worldwide, including 14 Vietnamese representatives from the National Library and libraries of provinces, cities, sectors and universities nationwide. A wide range of issues will be discussed at more than 20 sessions with a focus on enhancing the role of libraries in the Internet age to meet ever-changing needs in society and applying advanced technologies in managing libraries and preserving literary heritage. The Vietnamese delegation has attended many sessions, especially Asia-related topics such as an ASEAN discussion session on recent progress in national and regional culture preservation with 2 discussion topics: improving library function and free internet access to legal information in Vietnam.

