Vietnam, Laos boost border exchange

(VOVworld) - A seminar to discuss promoting tourism, economic, and cultural exchanges between areas along the border of Vietnam and Laos was held in Ha Tinh on Saturday. Representatives of State tourism management agencies and travel agents from the two countries proposed measures to iron out snags and promote tourism cooperation in the future. The two countries share a 2,340km border between 10 provinces in Laos and 10 in Vietnam, with seven international border gates, six main gates and 17 sub-gates, serving as gateways for mutual exchange and contributing to the economic development of western Vietnam and eastern Laos. In recent years, the governments and local authorities of the countries have created favourable conditions to develop border tourism.

Vietnam, Laos boost border exchange - ảnh 1

In another development, a cultural exchange between the 2 countries was held in Ha Tinh city on Saturday night. Hundreds of Vietnamese and Lao artists performed in the event. Ho Anh Tuan, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism spoke highly of the contributions made by local authorities and people in border provinces: “Exchange of culture, sports and tourism in border area between Vietnam and Lao in 2012 is a vivid demonstration of solidarity and close bond between the two nations. This is a significant political and cultural activity to show our cultural uniqueness and forge closer ties for mutual development.”

