Vietnam remembers traffic accident victims

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh on Sunday extended his deepest condolences to all the families whose relatives have died in traffic accidents in Vietnam.
Vietnam remembers traffic accident victims - ảnh 1Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh, Chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee, commemorates the dead victims of traffic accidents in 2021 in Vietnam. (Photo: Pham Kien/ VNA)

Addressing a memorial ceremony for the victims organized on Sunday, Mr. Minh said, “I urge everyone to strictly abide by the law on traffic safety, always comply with the regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control when driving, and work together to create a safer traffic environment. For the remembrance of those who have died, for the safety of those who are alive, let us observe a minute of silence for the people who have unfortunately passed away due to traffic accidents.”

Vietnam remembers traffic accident victims - ảnh 2Delegates observe a minute of silence for the unfortunate victims who died of traffic accidents in 2021 in Vietnam. (Photo: Pham Kien/ VNA)

In 2005, the United Nations endorsed World Day of Remembrance for Traffic Accident Victims as a day to be observed globally on the third Sunday in November each year, as the “appropriate acknowledgement for victims of road traffic injuries and their families.”

This year the event fell on November 21. According to the latest World Health Organization report, 1.3 million people die and 50 million people are injured in traffic accidents every year. In Vietnam 7,000 people a year die in traffic accidents.

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