Vietnam, Russia bolster legislative ties

(VOVworld) - National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has underlined the importance of strengthening mutual understanding and bilateral ties between Vietnamese and Russian legislative bodies.

Vietnam, Russia bolster legislative ties  - ảnh 1
NA Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan held talks with First Vice Chairman of the Russian State Duma I. Melnikov (Photo: DinhLam/VNA)

Ngan, who is visiting Russia, made the statement during a working session with First Vice Chairman of the Russian State Duma or House of Representatives Ivan Melnikov. Meanwhile, at a meeting with Vice Chairman of the Russian Federation Council or Senate Ilyas Umakhalnov,  Ngan said that within the framework of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, Vietnam wants to further boost its relations with Russia’s legislative agencies.

Earlier, Vice Chairwoman Ngan worked with Sergey Levchenko, President of the Russian Parliamentarians Group for Friendship with Vietnam and Vice Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee for Energy. She urged the Vietnamese and Russian parliaments to accelerate the sharing of experience to increase mutual understanding and reinforce comprehensive cooperation between the two countries and peoples. “Vietnam is implementing a foreign policy of multilateralisation and diversification and wants to befriend with all nations. But Russia is always considered our strategic and top priority partner. The Vietnamese National Assembly particularly wants to strengthen its relations with the Russian Federation Council and State Duma.”

Diep Anh, Doan Hai – VOV correspondents in Russia

