Vietnam ships out highly enriched uranium

(VOVworld) - Vietnam has completed the transportation of the last 11 kilograms of highly enriched uranium to Russia. The shipment on Wednesday from Dalat Nuclear Research Institute was done with the help of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the US’s National Nuclear Security Administration, and Russia’s Rosatom Nuclear Energy State Corporation.

Vietnam ships out highly enriched uranium - ảnh 1
Vietnamese engineers brings the highly enriched uranium to special container before shipping to Russia. (Photo:

With this accomplishment, Vietnam has realized its commitment as stated in the joint statement in November, 2006, between President Nguyen Minh Triet and President George Bush, in which Vietnam promised to downgrade its material to low enriched uranium. This move, reflecting Vietnam’s determined policy of only using nuclear power for peaceful purposes, also marks a milestone in Vietnam’s implementation of the joint declaration of the 2nd Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul in March, 2012.

Vietnam will continue working with IAEA and other international agencies to carry out all necessary measures to ensure nuclear safety and security. It will also enforce policies on the development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and nuclear nonproliferation. 

