Vietnam strengthens ties with ASEAN, partners

(VOVworld) - Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh on Sunday met with his counterparts from Brunei, Japan, South Korea, and Norway on the sideline of the 46th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting.

At a meeting with Brunei Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mohamed Bolkiah, Minh voiced Vietnam’s support for Brunei towards successful ASEAN chairmanship in 2013. He expressed his hope that Brunei will work closely with Vietnam and other ASEAN countries to speed up the building of the ASEAN Community and promote block members’ consensus on key issues, including the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and early adoption of the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC). The two foreign ministers agreed to soon organize the first meeting of the Vietnam-Brunei foreign ministerial-level joint committee.

While meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, the two top diplomats agreed that the Vietnam-Japan Committee for Cooperation should convene its 5th meeting in Tokyo as soon as possible to exchange notes, review their cooperation, and seek ways to foster bilateral strategic partnership. Kishida said Japan promises to continue its official development assistance to Vietnam to effectively implement the fifth phase of the Vietnam-Japan Joint Initiative and help Vietnam work out its modernization strategy.

Vietnam strengthens ties with ASEAN, partners - ảnh 1
Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (right) meets with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida on the sideline of the 46th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting. (Photo: VOV)

Minh and South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung Se discussed specific measures for future strategic cooperation including high-level delegation exchanges, and expansion of trade and investment ties.

Minh and his Norwegian counterpart Espen Barth Eide expressed their delight at the two countries’ developing relations in politics, foreign affairs, trade and investment, education and training, and development cooperation. Minh acknowledged Norway’s assistance to Vietnam in addressing climate change and environmental protection challenges. He congratulated Norway on officially signing the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) in Southeast Asia and hoped Norway will make positive contributions to regional peace, stability, and development.

