Vietnam treasures multi-faceted cooperation with Poland

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam treasures and wants to promote its traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation with Poland, Nguyen Duc Hai, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, said at a reception for Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau in Hanoi on Friday.

Vietnam treasures multi-faceted cooperation with Poland  - ảnh 1National Assembly Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai receives Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau. (Photo: An Dang/VNA)

Mr. Hai thanked the government and parliament of Poland for donating 1.4 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine and 8 tons of medical equipment worth about 4 million USD to Vietnam to help the country overcome the pandemic.

He also thanked the Government and people of Poland for receiving, assisting and providing temporary shelters and necessities for thousands of Vietnamese citizens fleeing Ukraine.

On parliamentary cooperation, the two officials noted the fruitful development of relations between the legislatures, and expressed their hope to further bolster bilateral partnership in the coming time.

Both also discussed cooperation in education-training, science-technology, finance and banking. 

They underlined the significance of ensuring security, safety, and freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea and settling disputes through peaceful measures in line with international law.


