Vietnamese expats visit Pac Bo Historical Site, Cao Bang province

(VOVworld) – A delegation of 65 outstanding Vietnamese nationals from around the world offered incense at the Pac Bo National Historical Site in Cao Bang province yesterday. Pac Bo is the place where President Ho Chi Minh lived when he returned home after many years of studying and working abroad in search of a way to save the nation.

Vietnamese expats visit Pac Bo Historical Site, Cao Bang province 	 - ảnh 1
The OV delegation burns incense to President Ho Chi Minh
(Photo: Nguyen Lan Phuong/VOV5)

Nguyen Thanh Son, Deputy Foreign Minister and Chairman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese, said at the event ‘This is the first time a delegation of overseas Vietnamese has visited Pac Bo Cave to pay tribute to Uncle Ho. Representing nearly 4.5 million overseas Vietnamese, we would like to bow in deep respect to the memory of President Ho Chi Minh. We promise you that we’ll be outstanding people, follow Uncle’s appeals, and try to deserve the love the President always had for us when he was still living. Despite living far from the fatherland, overseas Vietnamese are always oriented toward Vietnam and want to contribute to a prosperous Vietnam on par with other powers in the world as President Ho Chi Minh dreamed.

Vietnamese expats visit Pac Bo Historical Site, Cao Bang province 	 - ảnh 2
They promise  to follow President Ho Chi Minh's appeals and deserve the love the President always had for them when he was still living (Photo: Nguyen Lan Phuong/VOV5)

As part of their tour, the delegation has visited Lenin Stream, Karl Marx Mountain, and Pac Bo Cave, which were closely linked to President Ho Chi Minh and the country’s revolutionary period before 1945. Dang Van Dung, a Vietnamese living in Thailand, was moved to say ‘I have been back to Vietnam many times but never visited Pac Bo Cave in Cao Bang. I feel honored to be considered an outstanding overseas Vietnamese in Thailand and to have been invited to visit this place. Though I was born and raised abroad, I feel moved to mention Pac Bo Cave and Uncle Ho.

Vietnamese expats visit Pac Bo Historical Site, Cao Bang province 	 - ảnh 3
(Photo: Nguyen Lan Phuong/VOV5)

The same day, the delegation attended a requiem for war martyrs in Thanh Son Cemetery.

