Vietnam’s financial market rated for promising potential

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s financial market holds promising potential and the basic foundations to develop derivative products.

Vietnam’s financial market rated for promising potential - ảnh 1
Do Ngoc Quynh, Director of the BIDV’s Treasury and Currency Trading Department, holds the Asia Risk award for the bank (Photo: VNA)

Financial experts at a seminar held by the Hong Kong-based Asia Risk magazine in Singapore on Wednesday were all agreed on this assessment.

They said Vietnam’s economy was growing extensively with greater exposure to the world market, laying the groundwork for a derivative financial market.

Derivative products are tools to help managers and market players flexibly and actively manage risks as well as outline risk mitigation scenarios in the face of regional and global market developments.

Marking the occasion, the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) was honoured with the annual House of the Year award by the magazine.

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