Vietnam’s former Russian military experts meet in Moscow

(VOVworld) - Former Russian military experts assisting Vietnam during the resistance war for national salvation held their 44th meeting in Moscow on Sunday. The meeting was organised by the Vietnamese Embassy to express sincere thanks for their contributions to the Vietnamese people’s heroic fight leading to the final victory and reunification of the country. Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Pham Xuan Son said: “The relationship between Vietnam and Russia has been strengthened through difficulties, hardships and even sacrifices of Vietnamese people. In our hearts, Russia and Russian friends play a specially important role. Following President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings and the policies of the Vietnamese state, Vietnamese people will do our utmost to further the fine traditional friendship and the close cooperation between the two countries.”

Representatives of the Russian Veterans Association and former Russian experts shared their delight at the meeting and praised Vietnamese people’s achievements in the past struggle for national salvation and the current national development.

Vietnam’s former Russian military experts meet in Moscow  - ảnh 1
Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Pham Xuan Son addressed the meeting

