VOV’s new functions, tasks, organizational structure

VOV’s new functions, tasks, organizational structure - ảnh 1

The government has issued a decree on Voice of Vietnam’s functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure.

VOV will include the Department for Editorial Secretariat and Audience, the Organization and Personnel Department, the Planning and Finance Department, the Examination Board, the Office, The Current Affairs Department (VOV1), the Culture-Society Department (VOV2), the Music Department (VOV3), the Department of Ethnic Minority Languages (VOV4), the Overseas Service Department (VOV5), the Literature-Arts Department (VOV6), VOVonline newspaper (VOV.VN), VOV newspaper, the Digital Television Station VTC, VOV Traffic Chanel (VOVGT), domestic and overseas bureaus, the Center for Radio Advertisement and Broadcasting Services (VOVas), and the Radio Informatics and Technology Center (RITC).

The decree rules that the Voice of Vietnam Radio is a national radio broadcasting station attached to the Government, performing the functions of communicating information on Party guidelines, government policies, and state laws, contributing to raising the people's intellectual standards and serving their spiritual life through radio programs and other multimedia platforms.

