World Logistics Passport initiative creates opportunities for Vietnamese enterprises

(VOVWORLD) - Effective logistics cooperation with the United Arab Emirates plays a significant role in promoting Vietnam’s trade exchange with the Middle East and other regions, Director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Asian-African Market Department Tran Quang Huy said at a workshop in Hanoi on Monday.

World Logistics Passport initiative creates opportunities for Vietnamese enterprises - ảnh 1Cooperation agreements between the World Logistics Passport and nine Vietnamese business partners are signed at a workshop in Hanoi on August 14, 2023. ( 

The workshop, co-organised by the ministry and the World Logistics Passport (WLP) – a global initiative led by Dubai - addressed the challenges faced by Vietnamese logistics enterprises and explored the potential for collaboration between Vietnam and the UAE.

The UAE is Vietnam’s largest export market in the Middle East, while Vietnam ranks among the top 10 largest import partners of the UAE globally.

Between 2018 and 2022, their bilateral trade was kept at 5 billion USD annually, accounting for 25% of the total import-export turnover between Vietnam and the Middle East. Cooperation agreements between the WLP and nine Vietnamese business partners were signed at the event.

Ngo Khac Le, Deputy Secretary General of the Vietnam Logistics Business Association, said that this program is very useful as it establishes the most conducive environment for the seamless movement of goods.

Furthermore, it streamlines procedures, leading to reduced time and costs. Effective engagement with this initiative promises exponential growth in goods flow, catapulting our import and export turnover. he added. 


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