International cuisine in Hanoi

(VOVworld) -Walking along the streets of Hanoi nowadays, you’’ spot many restaurants serving foreign foods as the number of such restaurants has mushroomed in recent years. This means Vietnamese people can enjoy food from around the world without leaving their homeland.

International cuisine in Hanoi - ảnh 1
Food served at Royal Style restaurant

According to the Vietnam Tourism Administration, there are about 5,000 foreign restaurants in Vietnam serving specialties from around the world. Foreign food can be found not only in luxurious restaurants but also in fast food chain restaurants. The rise of these restaurants has brought new culinary styles to the Vietnamese people. Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Thai and Singaporean restaurants as well as hotpot chains from Japan and the Republic of Korea are popping up all over Hanoi. Food lovers can also find Italian, French and other European restaurants. "Western culture, especially Western cuisine has have become popular in Hanoi and HCM City in recent years. This popularity reflects Vietnamese people’s curiosity about new food. Many people want a change from their ordinary, familiar diet", said Hoang Phuong Linh, who owns Hanoi’s Royal Style restaurant.

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Restaurant owners have paid particular attention to creating unique designs for their restaurants. They carefully select utensils, decorative items, images, colors and music that express the theme of their restaurant. The Russian restaurant “Little Dream” in Pham Su Manh street, Hanoi offers Russian food in a cozy Russian atmosphere. Its typical Russian ambience has helped the restaurant gain a foothold in the past decade. “Little Dream” sells food imported from Russia. The shipping of Russian food to Vietnam has become easier thanks to the integration process. Vietnamese customers can afford to buy food here and sometimes, they invite their friends to a party in our restaurant", said Hoang Thi Huyen, the restaurant's owner.

There is a Ukrainian restaurant called “Budmo”, which means “Good Health” in Ukrainian, on To Ngoc Van street in Hanoi. "I’m Ukrainian and our restaurant is the only Ukrainian restaurant in Southeast Asia. I opened this restaurant for those who love and know about our country, especially those who have worked and studied in Ukraine. You can’t resist the food in our restaurant", said Vadim D’Omin,Budmo’s owner.
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At Budmo
Some restaurant owners spend millions of dollars to open a high end international restaurant. Their customers are mostly businessmen, foreigners but also Vietnamese who are fond of discovering a new culinary experience. Dang Kim Loan likes the French food at the Royal Style restaurant. "I spend several hundred thousand dong for a meal for two here and I think it’s reasonable for a chance to experience new types of food", said Loan.

The robust growth of foreign restaurants in Vietnam has created opportunities for Vietnamese people to learn about the cultures of other countries without traveling overseas.

To Tuan

