2011 National Biodiversity Report is released

The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment today/ on Tuesday officially released the 2011 National Biodiversity Report.

2011 National Biodiversity Report is released - ảnh 1

The report consists of four chapters on biodiversity, the fundamental causes of the biodiversity degradation, policies and resources for retaining biodiversity different trends and the way forward over the next 5 years. The report will assist central and local agencies to preserving the nation’s biodiversity, environmental protection, responses to climate change and scientific research. Comments on the draft National Strategy on Biodiversity by 2020 with a vision to 2030 have been collected. Viet Nam is recognized as having one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world. The country has had an adequate legal framework for conserving its biodiversity. The National Strategy on Biodiversity will be a great help and become an indispensable part of the National Strategy on Socio-Economic Development, to sustainably use the nation’s diverse resources./.

