3rd Legal Empowerment Asia Partnership annual meeting

(VOVworld) – The 3rd Legal Empowerment Asia Partnership annual meeting took place today/ on Monday in Hanoi with the participation of legal empowerment activists, representatives of NGOs and social organizations from 17 Asia-Pacific countries.

3rd Legal Empowerment Asia Partnership annual meeting - ảnh 1

The event was co-organized by the UN Development Program and the Vietnam Lawyers’ Association. Speaking at the event, Bakhodir Burkhanov, UNDP Acting Country Director in Vietnam said UNDP has identified 4 key fields including access to justice and law, labor right, property right and business right which are key factors affecting livelihoods of the poor and vulnerable groups. Burkhanov stressed that in order to improve the situation, the poor will be empowered to work out regional initiatives for developing legal empowerment program.

The participants discussed issues relating to legal empowerment, measures to implement economic and political rights and bring into full play of achievements in the implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals and in legal empowerment and challenges in Vietnam’s situation. On the occasion, the UNDP issued publication on ways and measures introducing concepts and specific measures to reinforce achievements on socio-economic rights mentioned in the UN Millennium Development Goals.

