5th national congress of VUFO opens

(VOVworld)- The 5th national congress of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations opened in Hanoi on Monday. The congress marks a new development of the organization in promoting people-to-people diplomacy and contributing to national construction and defense.

5th national congress of VUFO opens - ảnh 1
President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front addresses the congress

In his address, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan highlighted the importance of people-to-people diplomacy in realizing the resolution of the 11th National Party Congress concerning promoting international integration amidst complications of opportunities and challenges in the world. Nhan said:“The congress focuses on ways to bring into play the achievements and overcome challenges in promoting people-to-people diplomacy in order to successfully implement Party resolutions and the Party Secretariat’s directives. It is also important to enhance mutual understanding, solidarity and support from international friends, which play important roles in Vietnam’s national construction and defense”.

The congress focused on major solutions for the next five years with a long-term vision. They includes ways to reform and improve the effectiveness of external activities. They are also seeking ways to strengthen networks of international friends, increase cooperation with non-governmental organizations in Vietnam and consolidate the organization’s operational efficiency.

