Activities in response to Voluntary Blood Donation Day

(VOVworld) - Diverse activities are underway nationwide in response to the Voluntary Blood Donation Day, April 7th.


Activities in response to Voluntary Blood Donation Day - ảnh 1


 This year’s campaign aims to involve more managers in the voluntary blood donation. Hanoi is expected to receive 500 liters of blood today. Dr. Nguyen Anh Tri is the Head of the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion: "The Blood Donation day is considered the spotlight in the campaign, when many people donate their blood, thus creating a wide response to the campaign in the society".
A similar activity was held on Saturday in Ho Chi Minh city with more than 350 people volunteering to donate blood. Nguyen van Thang, Secretary of the Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh city’s University of Natural Resources and Environment said: "This year, the university will organize 2 blood donation campaigns where we expect to receive around 650 units of blood. Another campaign will be held in September".

