Book on Vietnam's East Sea launched

The Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation has introduced a pamphlet highlighting Vietnam’s stand on various issues related to the East Sea. Titled “Vietnam and the East Sea”, the 40-page publication covers comprehensive issues relating to Vietnam’s waters in the East Sea, Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoàng Sa - Paracel and Trường Sa - Spratly archipelagos. The book also mentions Vietnam’s stand on peaceful settlement of disputes in the East Sea, promotion and full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and advance toward a Code of Conduct in the East Sea. Other issues include Vietnam’s stand over the “U-shaped line” claimed by China in the East Sea and Vietnamese fishermen’s activities in the (Paracel) area and the Agreement signed on October 11, 2011 between Vietnam and China on basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues.

