Hoa Hao Buddhism, all other religions provided best conditions for development

(VOVworld) - Politburo member Le Hong Anh has spoken highly of contributions by religious followers including Hoa Hao Buddhist followers over the past years to the national development, especially to movements uniting people to build civilized lifestyle and charity activities to care for the community.

Mr. Hong Anh, who is also a permanent member of the Party Central Secretariat, made the remark at a meeting with Hoa Hao follower voters from Thot Not district of Can Tho City on Tuesday. In return, the voters expressed their belief in the Party, Government and consensus on policies that had been discussed and adopted at the just-concluded National Assembly session. The voters also expressed thanks to the Party and State’s attention to Hoa Hao Buddhism.

On the same day, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and NA deputies representing Quang Nam province met voters from the mountainous district of Nui Thanh to inform them the results of the year-end NA session. Phuc reiterated the Party and Government’s goal to do everything for the people and told them that the draft of the revised 1992 constitution will be put for public opinions.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, Huynh Ngoc Son and deputies of Da Nang City held a similar meeting with voters from Lien Chieu district.

