IT applications encouraged in state agencies

IT applications encouraged in state agencies - ảnh 1
Leaders of the Ministry of Communication and Information and Hanoi presents awards for IT applications in state agencies

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Communication and Information has announced this year’s awards for IT applications in state agencies. The Ministry will receive entries until April 20th.  The awards will be handed out next month to state-owned agencies at all levels for outstanding achievements in IT applications serving state management, information services, and other online public services. Deputy Minister Nguyen Minh Hong says 'Awards for IT applications in state-owned agencies are important to ensure that these agencies at all levels understand the importance of IT applications that increase management efficiency, boost the productivity of state workers, and ensure that the public receives timely, accurate and transparency. These applications encourage more people to access public services via the Internet instead of going to civil authorities in person'.

According to the latest UN report on e-Government, Vietnam ranks 83 of 190 countries and territories. Vietnam ranks 4th in ASEAN after Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei.

