Mounting efforts to help central provinces overcome aftermath of typhoon Wutip

(VOVworld) - The Party Central Committee has launched a movement to gather humanitarian aid to help flood victims in central region. Speaking at the event beginning the afternoon working session of the Party Central Committee’s 8th plenum on Thursday, a member of the Politbureau and standing member of the Party Secretariat, Le Hong Anh, urged local Party cells, governments and mass organizations to continue overcome typhoon consequences and help victims stabilize their lives.

Mounting efforts to help central provinces overcome aftermath of typhoon Wutip - ảnh 1
Vietnamese and Lao soldiers help people in Ha Tinh province strengthen dykes and repair houses

Ho Chi Minh City’s Red Cross Society on Thursday launched a movement to mobilize support for the central provinces. Half a billion dong were collected in the first morning of the campaign. Chairman of the municipal Red Cross Society, Le Quang Ninh: “We will coordinate efforts with central provinces’ partner organizations to transfer humanitarian aids to the victims. As part of this effort, health workers will be mobilized to Ha Tinh province next week.”
The Red Cross Society in Quang Tri province has granted gifts of basic necessities to flood victims worth 1 million dong each.
The Deputy Director of Nghe An Health Service, Hoang Van Hao, said sufficient disinfectant tablets and decontamination powder have been sent to local districts to ensure safe water and clean environment:“We have directed health workers to prevent epidemics. Contingency plans have been prepared to prevent diarrhea and skin infections.”

