Naval troops report progress in following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example

Naval troops report progress in following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example - ảnh 1
Rear-Admiral Dinh Gia That, Vietnam Naval Forces' Political Commissar (Photo:

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Naval Forces have made progress in the campaign to learn and follow President Ho Chi Minh's moral example over the past 2 years. Rear-Admiral Dinh Gia That, the Navy's Political Commissar, said that the movement has helped develop self-consciousness and responsibility for each individual and unit in the army. Mr. That said “our missions are to protect the national sovereignty over seas, islands, and the continental shelf, maintain a peaceful environment on the sea, and develop an elite, modern service. These missions have pushed us to promote the learning and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example. This can be seen in the determination of each soldier to fulfill assigned tasks and lay down his life if necessary for the motherland’s territorial waters.

Mr. That said diverse solutions and forms will be implemented to combine the learning and doing of President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example and the Party’s Resolution on Party building.

