Paris Accords-Vietnam’s wise negotiating strategy

(VOVworld) – Ambassador Duong Van Quang, Head of Vietnamese delegation to UNESCO says the signing of the Paris Accords 40 years ago was a decisive turning point for follow-up events in the context of confrontation between Vietnam and the US. Quang was responding to a question by Vietnam News Agency’s correspondent on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Accords to end the war and restore peace in Vietnam. The Accords incorporated in itself strategic, military, political and diplomatic conditions for the general offensive in 1975 to liberate southern Vietnam, vividly reflecting a correct strategic decision of Vietnam: step by step win the total victory in politic, military and diplomatic fronts.

Paris Accords-Vietnam’s wise negotiating strategy - ảnh 1

According to Ambassador Duong Van Quang, the decisive factor for victory was Vietnam’s policy of independence and self-reliance throughout its struggle for national liberation. Quang said the “politic, military and diplomatic’ strategy was indispensable for the success of the negotiations of the Paris Accords in particular and the revolution for national liberation in general. Ambassador Quang stressed that Vietnam managed to create a front of world people and unite all progressive political forces in the world to support its just struggle.

