Party and State leaders participate in new school year ceremonies

(VOVworld) - Party and State leaders have shared the joy of students and teachers during celebrations of a new school year across the country. A member of the Politbureau and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Education and Communications Commission, Dinh The Huynh, joined a new school year ceremony in Le Hong Phong School in Nam Dinh province and conferred the school an Independence Order, first class.

Party and State leaders participate in new school year ceremonies - ảnh 1
Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan beats the drum to begin the new school year 2013-2014

Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan attended a new school year ceremony in Son La province. She conferred a Labor Order to a local school and presented gifts to outstanding students and those facing difficulties. Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai beat the drum symbolizing a new school year beginning in An Bai primary school in Thai Binh province.

