PM chairs meeting to seek ways to improve the performance of State-owned enterprises

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Thursday chaired a meeting between Cabinet members and State-owned enterprises (SOE) nationwide on promoting business, production, and development investment.

PM chairs meeting to seek ways to improve the performance of State-owned enterprises - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the meeting between Cabinet members and SOEs in Hanoi on September 14, 2023  (Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac)

Opening the meeting, PM Chinh said that renovating and enhancing the efficiency of SOEs is one of the key tasks of the administration at all levels. SOEs should contribute to maintaining macro-economic stability and promoting socio-economic development, he said.

Mr. Chinh said that over the past 8 months, the macroeconomy was stable and major balances were guaranteed.

Public debt, government debt, national foreign debt, and state budget deficits were kept under control. The currency market was stable, and interest rates continued a downward trend. Imports and exports continued to rally, with exports reaching 227.7 billion USD and imports 207.5 billion USD. The trade surplus was 20.2 billion USD.

Prime Minister Chinh underscored the need to identify bottlenecks in mechanisms and policies for SOEs and limitations within the business community, in order to propose directions and innovative solutions to use resources more efficiently.

The Government is committed to standing with the business community, particularly with SOEs, said Mr. Chinh.


