President Truong Tan Sang receives war veterans

(VOVworld)President Truong Tan Sang Tuesday received a delegation of veterans from across the country who had distinguished themselves in the field during the country’s revolutionary years. President Sang was very moved when listening to the war veterans’ stories and praised them for their contributions to the country’s past struggle for national independence and today’s construction.

President Truong Tan Sang receives war veterans  - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang praises the veterans' contributions to the country in the past and at present. (Photo: internet)

President Sang said: "The contributions made by war veterans are immeasurable. Their contributions played a very vital part in the success of our revolutions, especially the wars against French colonialism and American aggression." President Sang wished all the veterans the best of health and asked them to set a shining example for their children and grandchildren to follow, to contribute to national construction and defense.  

