Seminar discusses priority topics of APEC Year 2017

(VOVworld)- A seminar to discuss priority topics for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Year 2017 has opened in Hanoi.
Seminar discusses priority topics of APEC Year 2017 - ảnh 1

In five discussions at the seminar on Thursday, representatives from APEC economies, scholars and international organizations discussed issues concerning promoting sustainable, inclusive, and creative growth, APEC’s key role in boosting regional economic connectivity, improving the SMEs’ innovative competitiveness in the digital era, strengthening food security, and creating sustainable agriculture in adaptation to climate change. In his address, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh, who is also Chairman of the National Committee for APEC 2017, said: “We have been working hard for structural reform, quality growth, connectivity, global value chains, liberalization of trade, investment and services, human development, and capacity-building. And we remain strongly committed to supporting the multilateral trading system. Today, APEC must assume the responsibility to address the pressing issues of our time through forward-looking cooperation. The opportunity to galvanize APEC cooperation that benefits all has never been greater. I hope that what we can achieve in 2017 will provide fresh impetus for APEC cooperation and leadership."
Deputy Foreign Minister and Deputy Chairman of the National Committee for APEC 2017 Bui Thanh Son said: “Our discussions today will serve the Senior Officials’ Meeting, 8 Ministerial Meetings and the APEC Week to be held in late 2017. Our results will contribute to the development of APEC in the near future.”


