Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

(VOVworld) - Scientists from France and Germany, and the US’ Harvard University gathered in Hanoi on Thursday at a seminar to review the 40 years since the 1973 Paris Peace Accords. Participants included former ambassadors, diplomats, members of the Vietnamese negotiating delegation, and witnesses.

Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords  - ảnh 1
Minister Nguyen Thi Binh signed the Paris Peace Accords to end the war and restore peace in Vietnam.

Doctor Nguyen Van Khanh, Rector of the Social Sciences and Humanity University, said the Paris Peace Accords were extremely important to Vietnam’s national independence and reunification. He noted that it was an historic event reflecting Vietnam’s military and diplomatic skill adding ‘The seminar offers a comprehensive view of the event and focuses on, first, the historical context, the balance of power between Vietnam and the US that led to the Paris Peace Accords. Second, the interests of the US, the former Soviet Union, and China in the negotiations. Third, the results and influence on Vietnam’s victory and other peace efforts around the world. We hope that the reports and ideas presented at this meeting will contribute useful lessons for dealing with current conflicts and disagreements in the region and the world at large.

Delegates agreed that the Paris Accords were hammered out by five years of strenuous negotiation and 20-years of prolonged struggles by the Vietnamese people with the most resounding triumph being the Hanoi - Dien Bien Phu in the air victory of 1972.  

