Seminar on Vietnam and India Strategic Partnership opens

(VOVworld) – The seminar “Vietnam-India’s Strategic Partnership: Future Directions” opened today/ on Tuesday in Hanoi to mark the 40th anniversary of full diplomatic relations between two countries.

Seminar on Vietnam and India Strategic Partnership opens - ảnh 1

The seminar was an opportunity for academics from both countries to identify ways of developing and promoting Vietnam and India’s strategic partnership in security and economics. Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan and India’s ambassador to Vietnam, Ranjit Rae stated that Vietnam and India have a time-honored friendship originally initiated by President Ho Chi Minh and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Bilateral ties have developed and expanded in many areas including national defence, trade, investment and high technologies. The seminar aims to develop these in-depth ties for the mutual benefit of both nations. Professor Dang Dinh Quy, Director of  Vietnam’s Diplomatic Academy said: "We are facing both challenges and opportunities in the rapidly changing global and regional arenas. We need to assess out past activities objectively and work out future initiatives to develop bilateral ties further".

Regarding Vietnam’s role in ASEAN, ambassador Rae said that India always wants to cooperate with Vietnam to develop a dynamic Asia: "New security and economic paradigms are evolving in our region and the world. Both India and Vietnam share a common vision of an open inclusive and democratic regional and global architecture where every country can play its rightful role. This will contribute to peace, security and stability and facilitate cooperation for the prosperity of our peoples".

