State-owned enterprises restructuring discussed

State-owned enterprises restructuring discussed  - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – A workshop on renewing financial mechanisms and policies to assist the restructuring of State-owned enterprises was held in Hanoi this week by the Ministry of Finance and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). At the event, delegates pointed out difficulties, especially in rearranging main business categories. Dang Quyet Tien, Deputy Director of the Business Finance Department, under Ministry of Finance, said that up through April, 7 state-owned enterprises submitted a restructuring plan to the Prime Minister. Mr. Tien: “First, we must accept restructuring radically. Financially, we should accept loses once we restructure and acknowledge lessons learned. Same with the arrangement of human resources. Our financial solutions will go alongside restructuring, assisting companies to promptly deal with financial issues, and accelerating equitization”.  

