US businesses seek investment opportunities in Vietnam

US businesses seek investment opportunities in Vietnam - ảnh 1
Minister of Finance Vuong Dinh Hue (first right) and his guests

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s Minister of Finance Vuong Dinh Hue says the US is an increasingly important partner for Vietnam as trade between the two countries has been on the rise in recent years. At Thursday's meeting with a delegation of Singapore-based US businesses, Minister Hue said the Vietnamese government has always supported investors doing business in Vietnam and will continue stabilizing its macro economy, controlling inflation, maintaining an appropriate growth rate, and implementing strong but flexible monetary and fiscal policies. Hue said Vietnam is focusing on reforming administrative procedures, especially those related to tax and customs, to attract more foreign investors. The country will also pay more attention to developing its infrastructure and respect preferential tariff commitments and financial policies for investors. Hue said the government will ask the National Assembly to fine tune and approve several laws to help speed up the reform of its economic policies to assist foreign investors in Vietnam.


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