Various activities mark Buddha’s 2557 birthday

(VOVworld) – Buddhist monks, nuns, and followers nationwide are to celebrate the Vesak or Buddha’s birthday on Friday. An array of activities has been held in recent days to pray for peace for the world, the nation, and the people.

Various activities mark Buddha’s 2557 birthday  - ảnh 1
Vesak Day is celebrated in Hanoi (photo:

In the central city of Da Nang, over 200 pagodas have been beautifully decorated to celebrate the event. Buddhist monks, nuns, and followers presented thousands of gifts to Agent Orange/ Dioxin victims and poor children, and 20 houses were given to poor families in Quang Nam province and Da Nang city. Venerable Thich Thong Dao is Secretary of the Da Nang city’s Buddhist Sangha. "This year, we didn’t want to organize luxurious celebrations but instead save the money for humanitarian activities. We built charity houses and gave gifts to the poor and established centers for orphans and the elderly."

Buddhist followers have also decorated pagodas in Truong Sa district to mark Vesak Day. Superior Monk Thich Giac Nghia is Head of a pagoda on Truong Sa Lon island. "In Truong Sa, we have some difficulties but we still can make a beautiful stage. Earlier this month, we held the “Buddha bathing ceremony” with the participation of people and soldiers on the island. On this occasion, we’ll also commemorate the 50 years since Buddha Thich Quang Duc’s self immolation. All Buddhist followers will gather to demonstrate the national tradition of steadfastness."

Various activities are also being held in the central city of Hue such as the releasing of lotus lanterns on the Huong river, a requiem, and a Buddha bathing ceremony.

Leaders of the southern province of Binh Duong visited and presented gifts to religious dignitaries. Bac Lieu province organized a meeting for senior monks and the heads of pagodas in the province.

