Vietnam attends 127th IPU in Canada

The 127th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) themed “Protecting Diversity to Ensure Peace in Today's Polarized World” took place in Canada from October 21-26. The Vietnamese delegation was led by Tran Van Hang, Chairman of the National Assembly Committee for External Relations, attended the event.

Vietnam attends 127th IPU in Canada - ảnh 1

The focus of their discussions was on citizenship, identities, linguistics and cultural diversity during globalization and ways of protecting political diversity, especially in IPU member countries.

Speaking at the plenary session, Hang affirmed the citizenship, identity and linguistic and cultural diversity as the basic human rights. Hang said the Vietnamese State always pays due attention to maintaining and promoting the cultural, linguistic and religious values of all ethnic groups in the country to ensure social progress and justice for all social members, especially disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. In the process of international integration, Vietnam has actively participated in the implementation of international conventions on human rights and the rights of ethnic minority people. The Vietnam NA is fully committed to supporting the international community’s efforts to protect human rights for the sake of peace, stability, and sustainable development.

