Vietnam listed in top 12 potential markets of the UK

Vietnam listed in top 12 potential markets of the UK - ảnh 1
Vietnam is considered a dynamic market

(VOVworld) - Vietnam is now included in a list of Asia’s 12 high-growth markets, according to UK Trade and Investment (UKTI). UKTI held a conference in London on Thursday to introduce to UK businesses investment opportunities in the 12 high-growth and newly-emerging markets in Asia, including Vietnam. Business Secretary Vince Cable of the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, who recently visited Vietnam, explained reasons why UK businesses should seek investment opportunities in these 12 markets. UK businesses consider Vietnam one of the most dynamic and fast growing economies in Asia, with a large, young population. According to a recent report by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Vietnam’s growth rate is forecast to reach 8.8 percent by 2050, surpassing India and China. In the first nine months of 2011, UK businesses exported goods worth £225 million to Vietnam, up 4 percent from a year earlier.

