Vietnam seeks to boost its e-commerce

A seminar entitled “E-commerce in integration and development” opened today/Saturday in Hanoi. Earlier, a general plan on e-commerce development in Vietnam for the next 5 years was approved by the Prime Minister. Accordingly, by 2015, Vietnam aims to have 80% of its businesses having their own websites to update information about their products and promotion activities while half of providers of water, electricity, telecommunications and media will accept e-payment. Trinh Minh Anh from the National Commission on International Economic Cooperation says:"Since Vietnam joined the WTO in 2005, the Prime Minister has approved a plan for e-commerce development for the period 2006-2010. Recently, the Prime Minister approved another plan on e-commerce for the next 5 years. This decision helps concretize Vietnam’s commitments for international integration with WTO, APEC and ASEM. Vietnam aims to advance its e-commerce to improve businesses’ competitiveness thus boosting the country’s industrialization and modernization." Delegates put forward 6 solutions to enhance e-commerce development in Vietnam in the future. These focus on improving human resource training, upgrading the country’s information and telecommunication infrastructure, developing public services applying e-commerce services and further enhancing regional and international cooperation in e-commerce development.  

