Wise tactics, international support make successful negotiations

(VOVworld) – “Vietnam’s victory at the Paris negotiation is a focal evidence of Vietnam’s wise and sound external policy under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh and the Politburo.” Nguyen Thi Binh, Former Vice President and Head of the negotiating delegation of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam at the Paris Peace Negotiation, said this at yesterday's meeting to mark 40 years of signing the Paris Accords.

Wise tactics, international support make successful negotiations - ảnh 1

The Paris Accords signed on January 27th, 1973 to end the war and resume peace in Vietnam was of great significance leading to Vietnam’s success in 1975 to liberate the south and unify the nation. Former Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh says: "The two negotiating delegations have strictly followed the Politburo’s directions: to hold firm on our stance and regulation and be flexible in specific situation. The ultimate goals were the US’s complete withdrawal, our troops remained, the basic national interests of Vietnamese people ensured, and Vietnam belonged to Vietnamese people. In this war, we didn’t use weapons but brainpower, justice, and strong will. The momentum for us to patiently and actively fight was the ultimate interest of the nation, the absolute trust on the success of the revolution."

Vietnam’s success at the negotiating table 40 years ago was partly attributed to the strong support of international friends and pacifists. Madam Binh again: "We cannot but to mention support of millions of people in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania and the anti-war movements in the US under various forms. Vietnamese people will never forget the sentiment and support of international friends. I want to mention the unity movements of the French people with the involvement of the French Communist Party, other political Parties, organizations of young people, women, and intelligentsia, trade union, religions, and the government, which created favorable conditions for us at the Paris negotiation. I want to express my gratitude to the Association of Patriotic Vietnamese in France for their wholehearted support for the two negotiating delegations which made us feel as if part of the nation was beside us."

The signing of the Paris Accords is a triumph victory of Vietnamese people, confirming the wide policy of fighting and negotiating. It was a success of people of justice worldwide who supported the just struggle of Vietnamese people.

