“Clean the sea” campaign launched

(VOVWORLD) - The People’s Court magazine and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will co-organize a “Clean the sea” campaign for 2021-2026.
“Clean the sea” campaign launched - ảnh 1The press conference on Clean the sea program (Photo: tapchitoaan.vn)

Tran Quoc Viet, Editor-in-Chief of the People’s Court Magazine, told the launch ceremony in Hanoi on Wednesday:

“We’ll organize activities to collect waste on beaches before handing clean beaches to the local authorizes for management. We’ll mobilize students from universities, naval and border guard forces to manage, monitor, and prevent violations.”

The “Clean the sea” program will give 5,000 scholarships to poor students and 5,000 gifts to poor fishermen, and install 10,000 trash bins.

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